Examinando por Autor "Morales Rojas, Eli"
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- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoAnalysis of germination curves of cinchona officinalis L. (Rubiaceae) using sigmoidal mathematical models(2023-01-09) Quiñones Huatangari, Lenin; Huaccha Castillo, Annick Estefany; Fernandez Zarate, Franklin Hitler; Morales Rojas, Eli; Marrufo Jiménez, Jenny Del Milagro; Mejía Córdova, Leslie LizbethSeed germination is the fundamental phenomenon that determines the successful growth and development of each plant species,even more so in Cinchona ofcinalis, which is a forest species that stands out for its medicinal importance. Te objective of thiswork was to determine the best sigmoidal mathematical model describing the germination of C. ofcinalis. For the germinationtest, a completely randomized design was used with six treatments and three replicates per treatment; 100 °C. ofcinalis seeds wereused per replicate, and 1800 seeds were needed in the trial. Gompertz sigmoidal, logistic, and von Bertalanfy models were used toanalyse the germination curves of C. ofcinalis. Te results of these adjustments were analysed based on the graphic representationand statistical criteria (Akaike’s value (AIC), R2 , and R2ai). Te results suggest that the Gompertz and logistic models havea better graphic representation, showing values close to those observed, while the von Bertalanfy model shows negative ger-mination values. According to the statistical criteria, the lowest AIC and the highest were obtained. R2 and R2ai with the Gompertzmodel, followed by the logistic model and von Bertalanfy. It is concluded that the Gompertz model can represent the shape of thegermination curves of C. ofcinalis for the six treatments of the test.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoEffect of compliance with environmental regulations in the construction of public civil works, Cajamarca, Peru(2023-01-02) Quinto Sanchez, Dulcet Lorena; Sanchez Julon, Darwin Jefer; Milla Pino, Manuel Emilio; Torres Cruz, María Marleni; Cayatopa Calderón, Billy Alexis; Jara Llanos, Diomer Marino; Morales Rojas, EliConstruction activities produce considerable environmental effects and have resulted in a growing demand to implement favorable environmental practices. In this sense, this research aimed to evaluate the effect of the level of compliance with environmental regulations in public civil works in the San Ignacio, Cajamarca, Peru district. Data were obtained through direct observation and structured interviews in 7 selected construction sites. The deductive and analytical method was used. As a result, the level of compliance was obtained. Work 4 had the highest rank, and works 2 and 5 had the lowest. Currently, all the works are in a similar range of compliance. The degree of association between the level of compliance with environmental regulations and the current state of the civil works indicates a probability of 0.0190, which shows that the low level of compliance with environmental regulations in the construction of public civil works in the district of San Ignacio generates a deterioration in the quality of the environment and increases the possibility of administrative sanctions.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoEffect of geographic altitude on carbon stock in two physiographic units of the reserved forest of the Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva(2022-09-15) Reategui Inga, Manuel; Reategui Diaz, Darlym; Morales Rojas, Eli; Aguirre, CasianoThe objective of the research was to evaluate the effect of geographic altitude on the carbon stock in two physiographic units of the Reserved Forest of the Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva, Tingo Maria-Huanuco. The methodology used was the field manual for the remeasurement and establishment of plots of the Amazon Forest Inventory Network (RAINFOR), for which 2 hectares were permanently established (one hectare in low and high hills) in which the diameter (greater than or equal to 10 cm) and the height of the trees were measured. Finally, the density of the wood was obtained from previous studies. The pantropical model formula was used to estimate the carbon stock. The results show that geographic altitude significantly affects carbon stock (p < 0.05) in low and high-hill forests, concluding that this may be due to differences in meteorological variables such as precipitation, temperature, and humidity.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoEvolution and future perspectives of scientific journals in Peruvian public universities(2023-10-19) Reategui Inga, Manuel; Morales Rojas, Eli; Fernandez Zarate, Franklin Hitler; Fernández Villarroel, Roger Álvaro; Ferro, Pompeyo; Alva Valdiviezo, Wilfredo; Ñique Alvarez, Manuel; Guerra Lu, José Kalión; Dávila Zamora, Edilberto CésarIn Peru, scientific journals are in constant growth, as they seek to make visible the scientific work of licensed public universities. In this sense, the objective of this research was to evaluate the historical evolution and future perspectives of scientific journals in Peru. The research was carried out by reviewing the official web pages of each institution, taking into account the official list of universities authorized by the Superintendencia Nacional de Educación Superior Universitaria (SUNEDU). We reviewed journals that are included in the Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal (Latindex Catálogo 2.0), SciELO, Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus. Data analysis was performed by tabulation in Excel and Minitab 19. We found 205 scientific journals, 51 are indexed in at least one database (Latindex Catálogo 2.0, SciELO, WOS, or Scopus) and 154 in no database, which means that the editorial teams have an arduous task. Only four journals are indexed in Scopus (three belong to the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and one to the Universidad Nacional de Trujillo). It is concluded that the evolution of the journals is a function of their Google Scholar H index. Likewise, support for public universities should be increased to promote the indexing of scientific journals to generate greater visibility of research at regional, national, and international levels of public universities in Peru. In this sense, future perspectives include incentive policies for researchers who publish in local journals.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoTrace elements in fertilizers used in Peru(2023-03-08) Gómez, Víctor; Molina Roco, Mauricio; Chichipe, Elder; Morales Rojas, EliFertilizers provide essential nutrients for crops, however, they may also inadvertently provide trace elements that in certain concentrations represent a risk to the soil and the food chain. The objective of this research was to determine the concentrations of Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn in the most common fertilizers used in Peruvian agriculture. Twenty-one products including inorganic, organic mineral, and organic fertilizers were analyzed by microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometry. The results were compared against international standards. The content of the trace elements was variable and related to the type of fertilizer. Phosphorus fertilizers showed higher concentrations of Cd (3.3-42.3 mgkg-1), most of which exceeded the regulatory limits of several countries. In the case of Pb, none of the fertilizers analyzed exceeded the regulatory limits. Chicken manure showed the highest concentrations of Cu and Zn. The concentration of trace elements such as Cd in fertilizers should be monitored in Peru, since the prolonged and intensive use of phosphorus fertilizers in doses that do not consider technical recommendations, could represent an accumulation of these elements in soils, with the consequent risk to human health and the environment.
- ÍtemAcceso AbiertoWater quality in small-scale coffee production units, Amazonas, Peru(2022-10-11) Morales Rojas, Eli; Chávez Quintana, Segundo; García, Magali; Veneros, Jaris; Oliva, Manuel; Santa Cruz Guerrero, José Carlos; Milla Pino, Manuel Emilio; Guivin Guadalupe, Alex Lenin; Sanchez Santillan, TitoThe objective of this research was to determine water quality in small-scale coffee production units in the Amazon Region, Peru. The characterization of the factors associated with coffee farmers was collected through surveys. The Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (APHA) method was used to determine the physicochemical and microbiological parameters of the incoming water (AE) (water for human consumption) and the outgoing water (AS) (wastewater from coffee washing). The results indicated that the coffee growers do not have adequate technology for washing the coffee and that they use water for these activities. In the characterization of the water, significant differences were found between the parameters of the AE and the AS, where the pH of the AE ranged from 7.00 to 7.32 and the pH of the AS from 3.76 to 4.44. The turbidity of the AS showed high values of 1814.47 NTU. Total Coliforms (TC) and heavy metals such as copper and chromium all increased in value up to 0.20 and 0.15 ppm in the AS compared to the AE. The characteristics of the water quality consumed by the coffee growers are poor and values above Peruvian standards were found.